Friday 1 March 2013

I'm such a quitter and loser...but in a good way!

Happy March!

OK, so what has been happening with me? Well, I have decided to both quit smoking and lose weight.  Neither are easy, put them both together and I can get very, VERY cranky (just ask Mr. T).

The smoking is going...well, it's going.  Some days are better than others.  The better days are out numbering the not so good days, so I'm happy with how it's going.  Now that is all I shall say on the's kinda making me want one.

On to the weight loss quest.  It's going pretty good too.  I've lost a couple of pounds in the past week or so which makes me happy.  I really didn't think I did just for the simple fact that I really hate exercising.  And I don't mean "Oh I hate this, just one more set". I mean "Ermergerd! If I have to exercise I'm gonna have to hurt somebody!" OK, maybe not quite THAT bad, but close.  I have been watching what I eat, cutting out all the crappy food, all that good stuff.  I have a kick-butt app I use called My Fitness Pal.  Tracks calories, exercise (*snort* right) weight, measurements (if one chooses to measure various body parts)'s pretty cool. (Think I can get paid for the plug?)

All in all I'm quite pleased with how things are going.  Now, I think I'll go have some of the Pot of Gold a very nice lady in our building gave us...half a box shouldn't hurt, right?