Friday 2 January 2015

Psst...did ya miss me?

Greetings and Happy New Year!

It has been a LONG time since I've written anything and there are some new things in my life.

First, and most importantly, I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl in July.  Her name is Talynn and she is the happiest baby I think I've ever seen. Jessie is a great big sister and loves "Baby Sister super mega, mega, MEGA!"  

Secondly, we've moved to a larger apartment, NO MORE SUPERING FOR ME!!! It means more free time (not that it was a hard job) and no more worrying that someone is going to come knocking at my door for some silly thing.

The weight loss journey got derailed.  First by Mr T getting a job while we were supers leaving me to take care of things, then by Miss Talynn.  But I have gotten back on track and am quite determined. I'm getting a treadmill soon so that should take me through the winter.  We'll see what I decide to do in the summer when the sun is calling me.'d think that after all this time I'd have more to report.  One does not realize how boring one is until one tries to write about it.  Maybe as time goes by I'll have more to report.  But, for now, that's it.  It's all good though...these creatures I call children seem to want some attention.
